Monday, July 11, 2005


We are sitting in the AIESEC Napoli Parthenope office right now and just chilling out. it is amazing how similar all the aiesec offices are around the world. here there is enough space for maybe 10 people to squish, 2 computers, flags from all over the world covering the walls and ceilings, certificates, and a tshirt on the wall with the familiar line: its cool to be..its cool to be an lcp...

its been amazing the whole weekend. we hung out with 2 ceeders from germany and denmark, and a whole bunch of lc members as well and they all were so keen to take us around and party too. we went to the beach several times and oh oops our host is telling me to go now, back into the scorching sun and its time for me to get some more gelato and a nice pasta lunch.. mmm cant wait!!!!!!!! back to write when theres time.. take care everyone!

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