Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Current snapshot of Amsterdam

Weather: Was actually *cold* the past few days and only starting to warm up to hopefully 30 degrees this weekend.
Mood: Ppl are triest/sad over the World Cup loss. Orange banners and flags can still be seen strung out in almost every street.
People: Still rude as ever. Welcome back to "It's not possible" as the most common thing people say here. Still trying to run me over on my bicycle.
Roads: As always under construction.
Ultracool gym that I signed up for 3 months ago: Still not open and will not open for at least 1 month more (wtf!!). [Note to self: Never sign a contract for anything that is yet to open and offers a too good to be true free DVD player sound system.]

After returning from a 2-week dream vacation in Vancouver, it's been a quick slap back into the harsh Dutch reality, where people are unfriendly (in Cdn standards anyway), nothing is mogelijk/possible, flexibility is an unknown concept, and frustrations are all abound.

Welcome home!! :-D

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Stuffy head

Well it's a relatively nice day but now it's clouding over just a bit. Just like my head actually. It started out fresh n' clear, and over time, it is now fogging over and I have aches in my ears and throat. Looks like I've got a cold... :(

Anyway, the day has almost finally come!!! Going home... Must pack tonight and get the last minute shopping done. Don't have that much time to post but here is something that may be of interest to many who have been dooped to think that the Netherlands is a very open and tolerant place:

One in 10 Dutch people are racist: poll
