Saturday, September 10, 2005

Monkeys on da bus

Cool, no crashing yet. I have time to reflect on some things in HK...

Last night on the bus back from Causeway Bay, (it was a 60 min ride to get back home) I was sitting behind a young 20-something couple who were very close. The girl decided to take a nap by nestling her head into her boyfriend's neck and then eventually leaned over to rest her head on his lap, while his body slowly bent over her, and his head eventually began bobbing to and fro as well. For most of the ride, they were folded together like this.

About 20 mins later, she awoke with her hair in a mess, and the natural parting of her hair was pretty much unidentifiable. That is, until her boy started patting her hair down, picking strand by strand which way it should go (on which side of the part), picking and patting, picking and patting down the hair, until it was as good as freshly styled, before lightly pushing her head back into his neck so they could snuggle. Meanwhile, the groggy girl just let him groom her, and let herself be cuddled. It was like she was a toy he was playing w/.. styling a barbie, almost.

I found it quite comical to see the whole hair-picking and hair-parting and it reminded me of apes picking lice off each other. It was sweet... but hrm.. maybe it was weird to me that he was so thoughtful and considerate.. I guess it's a HK guy thing??

HK in a nutshell

Since this crashed on me the last time I tried to blog, here is a supa-quickie entry on HK:

-its muggy and hot (i like it!)
-the people are really really small

-there are many seniors that look like they belong in a coffin
-people's hair styles are either fried or dyed, or sometimes both
-there are apparently 4 girls to every guy but,
-i have not seen ONE goodlooking guy
-the suits are cheap
-the electronics are really coool!
-i like melon flavoured soy milk
-i'm on the prowl for pineapple bun w/ egg cream inside (WHERE IS IT GODAMMIT!!?)
-i've shopped non-stop since I arrived (NO JOKE)
-i'm flat out broke. but still shopping :)
-we decided to skip China because, well, China came to HK.
-i wake up bloated every morning from the freakin humidity
-ive been told countless times how fat i am and how bad my skin is by my loving aunt :P
-the customer service here is impeccable!! (delivery of my new glasses to my hotel??!) what??
-ive become over the top materialistic
-bargaining wont make u friends
-i want to go clubbing but no one to go w/!
-is there anything more to HK than just shopping??

Friday, September 02, 2005

Greedy me

I am so greedy... in my hands I clutch onto 4-5 different job prospects/offers, and I don't want to let any one of them go. I know I can't have them all, but I will keep my hands on each and everyone one until the moment someone comes to pry them away, finger by finger.

It's hard to comprehend exactly what's going on right now, with all the peeps chasing me down asking me to work for them, but I really can't complain. All I can complain about is my damn indecisiveness and not knowing which job to take.

ANYWAY! Alberta's in town and I'm busy trying to best show her what Amsterdam is all about. She has already tried stroopwafels in Vancouver and so all that's left now is:

  • Vla (light and airy pudding)
  • Milk n' Fruit (fruit flavoured milk, what else did you think it could be, dummi? ;)
  • Pancakes w/ nutella and hagelslag (sprinkles)
  • Gouda cheese sandwiches or on its own
  • Fruit teas w/ milk, mmm
  • Drop (licorice)
  • MAYBE some stampot/hutspot (mashed potatoes with mashed crap inside)
  • Kroket (fried unidentifiable meat w/ crispy exterior)
  • Cone fries (in Belgium)

We will be hitting my favourite city tomorrow: BRUSSELS!! for some well deserved cake and pies, and of course a lil sight seeing. There is a beer festival on right now so there will be many tents w/ different kinds of beer in the Grand Place. O yA!