Friday, March 31, 2006


Today I saw a woman on the bus who was appallingly ugly. She had pale white skin, thick and dark drawn in eyebrows, a head of extremely frizz-dried overbleached blonde hair that was held back by a black headband and went down to the half of her back, a black n' white striped tshirt, pale white pantyhose, and chubby fingers with dark burgundy nail polish. I was quite amazed by her so I observed her for quite a while, even though I didnt' really want to.

So, since she was that special, here is a tribute to her:

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

cute lil lambs

It's spring and time to see those baby lambs lying like dead things on the side of the railway tracks again! Dunno why, but I've always liked baby lambs. Sheeps, well, they're alright, but there's not many things cuter than a baby lamb. I think it's cuz they don't bite (as far as I know), scratch, bark, or really do anything bad. They're just kinda there. Lying on their sides with their legs crossed. Relaxing, chilling on the grass.

In the north of the NL, there are a few islands where you can see alot of nature. Dunes, sand, beaches, marshes, and ... baby lambs!! I am planning to go see them this weekend. :D Can't wait to touch one hehe. I hope I can sneak one in my duffelbag.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

today was alright

hey y'alls,

It was an OK day today. I didn't get arrested, so that was good. I did, however, do a front flip on my bicycle (unintentionally). As usual, I had no idea how/what happened, but it felt like I hit a big pylon or rock that was in my way, cuz my front wheel totally went locked and the bike just went over my head and before I knew it, I was squashed under my bike on the concrete, waving my arms wildly trying to get the bike off my head. What a sight it must've been. Thank god no one was around...

Life is really funny actually. I can't be too specific here, but I was reminded today that nothing is ever as you expect. And everytime I think something is really really great, I am reminded that it's usually only a matter of time before I start complaining about it. It's just part of humanity I suppose. But anyway, after my meetings today I can't wait to find out what will happen next week!! :)

will try to blog more...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Monday, March 06, 2006

Go ahead, arrest me!!

Earlier this year, I made a resolution to be a tougher person. By tough I don't mean going around with a butch haircut, wearing ripped jeans and leather vests, or punching people out randomly. I just meant standing up for what I believe in more often and being more vocal when I'm not cool with something.

About a month ago, I was able to exercise this 'toughness' with a dumb bimbo in the coat check of Jimmy Woo (club in Amsterdam). We were in a big crowd trying to get our coats back, but I had hung mine with a girl who was still going to stay at the club, so I asked if the bimbo could take just MY coat off the rack and hang the remaining coat back up.

"No," she replied coldly. "There are too many people here waiting for me to do that. Either you take both coats, or you don't take either of them." At that, she decided to throw both coats off the hanger and leave them on the counter. I was in disbelief at her rude and stupid service. Blanking out for a few minutes (seconds??), we finally decided to comply and just ask her to put the coat on another rack, thus having to get a new ticket stub for the coat check.

After waiting for what was probably 10 minutes, watching the stupid coat check bimbos mull around slowly in the coat check, back and forth, slow as snails, she finally issued a new ticket for the coat we were holding onto. I had had enough.

When she gave us the new ticket stub, I said to her, "I hope you realise that you just created MORE work for yourself. You could've just kept the coat on the hanger and hung it back up!!" She responded with a "yea whatever" and walked away, while I then shouted, "MAYBE IF YOU USED YOUR *BRAIN* A LITTLE!!!!!" (this is where i quickly disappeared into the crowd).

[Note: This is a very typical example of the Dutch 'customer service' mentality. They just DONT THINK/give a shit about how to help you.]

Today, I was confronted with another chance to stand up for myself.

I was biking on my way to work when a navy-blue uniform clad Dutch man jumped out to stop me. Saying I had run a red light, he demanded to see my ID over and over, while I stared at him and tried to get him to let me go. After a few tries, he said he was going to arrest me if I didn't show him my ID so he dragged me all the way to the police station.

You may be wondering why I didn't give him my ID?

  1. Because if I did, I'd DEFINITELY be fined (and I was still hoping I'd be let go).
  2. Because he was being a total asshole.
  3. Because I did NOT run the red light!!!

On the way there, I started to cry as a last resort, but it did no good whatsoever. He was just as mean. He even grabbed me a few times roughly, took my bike and walked ahead, making sure I followed him.

Ten mins later, I found myself locked in a little cell in the police station with real iron bars, and no way of getting out. The police officer then came around to search my purse, and only snatched it out of my hands after some struggle. He went to the otherside of the bars and started searching around, including unfolding my foil-wrapped open faced sandwich (rye bread with cheese).

"What is this??" he said while he unwrapped my foil. I shouted back, "That's my lunch, do you wanna take that too? Just take it, why don't you????" Finally he opened my wallet and found my ID, those bastards. I also muttered many other things (such as "There are real criminals out there!!", "I'm a good person!!", "This is no way to treat your citizens!!", "I'm sick of all these stupid systems in the Netherlands!" "Go ahead and kick me out of this stupid country!") that got no sympathy from them as they proceeded to ask my address/name and check my background.

I couldn't have cared less if I got arrested or a record, it was SO ridiculous how they were accusing me of running a red light (there WERE NO bike traffic lights at that intersection, that I'm sure of.) and they were fining me for something stupid when drugs and prostitutionis totally OKAY there.. what the hell!!!

So I sat in that lil room for maybe 45 mins, waiting to be let out and go to work. I was done my crying session and so then decided finally to cooperate (and give them my real address). I did manage to tell them tho that the police officer was a total asshole and was extremely abusive and rough with me. Not that it will result in any consequences for him, but sigh, that's life in the Netherlands.

In the end, I was let go with two different fines: One for "running the red light" and another for refusing to show my ID. Was it worth it? Maybe not. But at least I stood up for my rights!!!!! ARRRGH!!!!!!!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Things that make me laugh

  • posters for some woman's concert was titled "The Farewell World Tour" (get it? farewell world?? hahaha)
  • You know you're Chinese when...
  • the word for "teenagers" in Dutch is 'pubers'!!!!! (no joke, lol!!!)

and of course, who could forget, a few days ago:

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A teenage guitarist got so carried away while bouncing up and down on his bed mimicking a rock star that he flew out of a third floor window to his death, a Singapore newspaper reported Wednesday.

The Straits Times said Li Xiao Meng, a 16-year-old from China who was studying at Singapore's Hua Business School, was a keen musician who liked to jump up and down while playing his guitar in his hostel room.

"But on November 17 he took things a bit too far," the newspaper said, reporting on a coroner's court findings.

Ruling death by misadventure, the court said evidence "points to the deceased unintentionally falling out of the window to his death when he was hyped up with exhilaration, jumping up and down on the bed placed against an open window while mimicking a rock guitarist.""

Normally the windows were locked, the newspaper said, but students sometimes forced them open so they could smoke, something prohibited by the hostel.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Picture update

hello! as i've been too busy (lazy) to post, here is a picture update. Mouseover the pics for the captions! :) tot later, -e

I got new bike pedals!!Poking at a mouse that was inside of a bag of Doritos in my apartmentMe and Lorea by a canal

Lorea gawking at erotic chocolatesMe and my Bob Ross painting!!Me and Phydeline (from Montreal) in BrusselsNico and Christian - my housewarming