Thursday, March 22, 2007

Babies and muisjes

Today, one of our colleagues brought in his nearly brand new baby in for everyone to gawk at. Being a mixed kid of Danish and Japanese descent, he was destined to be a star as he was cradled and rocked in a very rugged (and probably very expensive) stroller.

It's amazing how many people are having kids now!!! Is it cuz we're at "that age"??? Anyway part of Dutch tradition is to spread butter on really DRY, CRUMBLY biscuits and then sprinkle blue and white (for boys) or pink and white sprinkles on 'em, and then eat them altogether. So, these MUISJES, as they are called, were consumed by us in a circle, while we all stared silently at the lil baby, occasionally oo'ing and ah'ing here and there.

The baby was cute, but I can't say the same about the muisjes. Turns out the lil sprinkles were actually sugar coated aniseeds, which tasted something like a mix between mint and licorice. Apparently they were traditionally eaten by new mothers to encourage lactation (upon hearing this I had trouble swallowing) but then, if men eat them too, I should be okay... (?_?)

It must be something to become a parent. It seems that once you are one, you suddenly connect with all other parents. Suddenly you can ask them, 'Did your baby get that too?' or 'What did you do when your baby did this?' etc. It's that deep nod they give to each other, an acknowledgement of the 'i know what you're going thru' feeling, that somehow bonds people that have kids. I guess its' the same for everything though. I've also heard that people who lose their parents, can only be understood by others who have gone through the same. Funny how human beings connect isnt it...

*random thoughts continue...*

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Sucky Eye Makeup Remover

Just a tip for all the girls out there - don't buy L'Oreal's eye make up remover!! It's pretty cheap but doesn't work at all. Basically it just removes your eye shadow but as for mascara/eye liner? Forget about it! You're better off paying double for the Body Shop's amazing camomile-based eye make up remover instead!!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Bite my a**!

Hey y'alls!

I was in Nice, France the past weekend visiting the French Riviera and enjoying some warmer temperature and balmier sights. We were on our way to Cannes, and stopped at Antibes to check out Fort Carré, which happened to be closed. Anyway, I needed to use the washroom so we stopped first at the Piranha Café right across the train station.

Walking in, we saw that the cafe had real piranhas in a tank, floating ever so still, and some of them had bite marks on their upper backs where the others had obviously bitten a chunk out of. Gross. Anyway, I walked into the back where the washrooms were, and waited for the ladies room to be free.

A minute passed, and then another few, and I got desperate so I pushed open the Men's toilet, only to find 3 urinals. A few more minutes passed, and I thought, ugh this is takin too damn long so I'll just go somewhere else.

Walking out again, I was passing by the bar when the man behind it said in his typical French accent, "What would you like to drink? Tea, coffee, water?"

"Oh, no thanks, I'm fine," I replied. On second thought, I asked him if he had any ice cream, as it was such a fine sunny day.

"Non, that is only for eat-in, by the kaart. Tea coffee water, you must order something," he continued, and blabbed on about how I used his toilet, and that I need to order something now. Calmly, I explained that I hadn't used his toilet, and that I had waited, but it was locked with someone inside. (In fact, the women's toilet required a 4-digit security code that you punch into the wall, in order to get in!!!) Anyhow, he said "I am not crazy, I saw you go in and I saw a man come out, now you must pay, what do you want - tea-coffee-water."

Our bantering went back and forth, and he was convinced I had used his goddamned toilet, which I totally hadn't(!!) so in the end, I had had it, so I gave him the *HAND* (sorta) and said, "I'm NOT paying! What the hell.." as I walked out of his stupid cafe (secretly panickin a bit and hoping he was not racing out behind me.)

Surprisingly, he didn't chase after me, and I was able to prevent being gypped out of 2 euros, just for stepping inside his godforsaken cafe. So the lesson is - if you go to Antibes someday, dont visit this Piranha man!! He is a total jerk and for all I care, he can make like a piranha and BITE MY A**!!.