Saturday, September 10, 2005

HK in a nutshell

Since this crashed on me the last time I tried to blog, here is a supa-quickie entry on HK:

-its muggy and hot (i like it!)
-the people are really really small

-there are many seniors that look like they belong in a coffin
-people's hair styles are either fried or dyed, or sometimes both
-there are apparently 4 girls to every guy but,
-i have not seen ONE goodlooking guy
-the suits are cheap
-the electronics are really coool!
-i like melon flavoured soy milk
-i'm on the prowl for pineapple bun w/ egg cream inside (WHERE IS IT GODAMMIT!!?)
-i've shopped non-stop since I arrived (NO JOKE)
-i'm flat out broke. but still shopping :)
-we decided to skip China because, well, China came to HK.
-i wake up bloated every morning from the freakin humidity
-ive been told countless times how fat i am and how bad my skin is by my loving aunt :P
-the customer service here is impeccable!! (delivery of my new glasses to my hotel??!) what??
-ive become over the top materialistic
-bargaining wont make u friends
-i want to go clubbing but no one to go w/!
-is there anything more to HK than just shopping??


Anonymous said...

Woman reportedly abducted
FEMA Dumps Brown As Katrina Relief Chief Katrina Death Toll May Not Hit 10,000 Congress to Investigate 9/11 Loan Abuses Bush Administration Wins Appeal on Padilla FEMA to Halt Debit Cards, Use Bank Deposit ...
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

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Come and check it out if you get time :-)

The Baxter said...

i like popcorn and your blog!

Anonymous said...

what's with the two freaks commenting on your blog E!!???

Is there really 4 girls to every guy? and all the guys are ugly? I think I know where I'm needed most!!! Forget Grad School, I'm buying a plane ticket so I can help all those poor lonely girls! :P


Anonymous said...

what's with the two freaks commenting on your blog E!!???

Is there really 4 girls to every guy? and all the guys are ugly? I think I know where I'm needed most!!! Forget Grad School, I'm buying a plane ticket so I can help all those poor lonely girls! :P


Anonymous said...

I'm soo jealous ahh!! Hey Tammy(korean) is in HK if you want to look her up. But I'm guessing you're leaving soon. Forgot to tell you that but I'm guessing you still had a great time. I want to go too!! Anyways, lemme know how it is back home when you get back.
