Saturday, August 30, 2008

Nasty Buggers

It's been hard getting a good night's sleep for the past few days, thanks to an annoying gang of mosquitos that seem to auto-replenish themselves everytime we kill one. Even if we use our mosquito net to block 'em out, they seem to be able to find a way in somehow!? OR they are piercing us through the net, which would be totally pointless to have the stick-to-our-skin net at all.

This morning, I awoke to the familiar high-pitched buzzing in my ear. I bolted up, grabbed our electric racquet and went on the prowl. You would think that with my bad eyesight I wouldn't have a chance, but luckily this one was all juiced up and plump with a fresh bite off C's back. I swooped him onto my powered raquet, and he was frozen still by the electric shock.

'That was easy,' I thought as I carried him on the racquet towards the toilet, but suddenly, his corpse POPPED and a huge blue spark exploded off the racquet!!!!! !@$%$%@#$@#$!!! This is what normally happens if my prey is exceptionally large, but I totally didn't expect it as I let out a blood curdling scream. All this at 8 in the morning...

Then on my way to the kitchen I stopped dead in my tracks to see a GIANT daddy long legs on its back, with its angular legs pointing at the sky. Looked pretty dead to me. But of course, there was NO WAY I was going near it!! So of course, I called on my personal exterminator:

E: Huuuun...!! There's a giant fly dead in the kitchen!!!! Hellllp!!
C: (grumbling, half asleep)
E: Come on!! It's gross!!! (I step over it and go make some breakfast.)
C: (walks down the hall, into the kitchen) ... ugh.. where is it?
C: (jumps away with half of the daddy long legs stuck to his foot) Ahhh!! ewww!! I HATE YOU!!!! I hate you... I hate you... (grumbles and goes back to bed)

Hahahahahaha :D

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