Saturday, February 23, 2008

Real life 'POPPLE'

So remember back when we were kids, there were these cute lil stuffed animals called 'Popples', that you could turn inside out?

Well a crazy Dutch woman/artist (and I use the term loosely) has created a real-life popple, using the carcasses of a household cat and dog. Calling it art, she has once killed her own cat to make a purse, shredded baby chicks in a paper shredder and let hundreds of hamsters run around for days in coloured plastic balls (poor things!).

I find it rather disgusting... and you know what they say about people who kill animals.

Read more:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have any one of you idiots posting actually bothered to google this woman? The article does not do anything to put the genesis of her work into some sort of context. How did she acquire the animals? Were they euthanized by an animal control agency? With the exception of the mention of her killing her own cat, no other information regarding the channels of procurement was mentioned. As far as her cat goes, was it sick? Did she perform the euthanizing using prescribed and commonly accepted veterinary practices? Don't get high and mighty without first investigating for yourselves. Especially when given little to no ancillary information.