Friday, March 28, 2008

Grandma's musings

In only the few days that I’ve been home, my Grandma has pretty much been making me laugh non-stop with all her strange and cute remarks/actions. It really makes me realise how much I’m really missing by not being around to spend time with her each and every day…she’s such a goofball!! But now that I’m here, I love every minute that we spend together. Here are just a few of the funny moments we’ve shared so far:

Maa: I don’t know why, but I’ve been getting small stomachaches these days right before I have to poo…
E: Really? What kind of poo is it? Is it diarrhea? (wondering if she has a stomach bug)
Maa: NO!! (defiantly) I have the nicest poo, they come out one strip at a time, just like bananas.
E: Oh…(cringe)

Big mouth
Maa: (to Dad) Your daughter bought you a bottle of wine!
E: Hey!! Why’d you tell him!? I haven’t given him the gift yet!!
Maa: Heh? It’s not a secret, why can’t I tell him? He’s going to get the gift anyway!
E: (grumble grumble) Great, just great.
Maa: If it was a secret, you should have told me it was a secret. Then I wouldn’t have told…
E: Well, why do you think I wrapped it?!
Maa: (eyebrows lift and mouth makes an ‘O’ shape) Oh…! (nodding)

Red mark
We’ve just parked the car and as we’re getting out, my G-ma opens the door and WHACKS the car next to us with her car door.
“Aiya!!” I scream. “Why did you do that??”
“Do what?” she says. Slowly she gets out of the car and I run around to inspect the damage. Lo and behold, there’s a big RED mark on the other person’s car, courtesy of our lovely red sports car door.
“Aiiii! Now I have to move the car so they don’t know it was us!!”“What do you mean?” she says. “I don’t see a mark!”

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